Labour Hire Licence requirements in Victoria and Queensland: A comprehensive guide for recruitment agencies

Labour Hire Licence requirements in Victoria and Queensland – Operating as a labour hire provider in Australia, particularly in Victoria and Queensland, necessitates strict adherence to state-specific licensing regulations. These measures are designed to protect workers and maintain industry standards. This guide offers recruitment agencies a detailed overview of the labour hire licensing requirements in both states.

Understanding Labour Hire Licensing

Labour hire licensing schemes are regulatory frameworks that require businesses supplying workers to other organisations to obtain a licence. These schemes aim to ensure fair treatment of workers and compliance with employment laws.

Labour Hire Licensing in Victoria

Regulatory Authority: The Labour Hire Authority (LHA) oversees the licensing scheme in Victoria.

Who Needs a Licence? Any business that provides labour hire services in Victoria must hold a licence. This includes supplying workers to another business, regardless of whether the workers are employees or independent contractors.

Application Process:

  1. Online Application: Submit an application through the Labour Hire Licensing Online Portal.
  2. Proof of Identity: Relevant individuals must verify their identity via Service Victoria’s digital identity portal or provide certified copies of identity documents.
  3. Fit and Proper Person Test: All relevant persons must meet the ‘fit and proper person’ criteria, demonstrating compliance with legal and ethical standards.
  4. Compliance Evidence: Provide evidence of compliance with workplace laws, taxation, superannuation, occupational health and safety, and workers’ compensation laws.

Obligations of Licence Holders:

  • Compliance: Adhere to all relevant laws and licence conditions.
  • Annual Reporting: Submit annual reports detailing labour hire activities.
  • Notification of Changes: Inform the LHA of significant business changes.

Penalties for Non-Compliance: Operating without a licence or breaching licence conditions can result in substantial fines: up to $129,952 for individuals and $515,808 for companies.

Labour Hire Licensing in Queensland

Regulatory Authority: The Office of Industrial Relations administers the labour hire licensing scheme in Queensland.

Who Needs a Licence? Businesses that supply workers to another person or business in Queensland must hold a labour hire licence. This includes traditional labour hire arrangements and extended to various outsourcing and contingent labour scenarios.

Application Process:

  1. Online Application: Complete and submit the application via the Labour Hire Licensing Queensland website.
  2. Fit and Proper Person Test: Applicants and nominated officers must satisfy the ‘fit and proper person’ criteria.
  3. Financial Viability: Demonstrate that the business is financially viable.
  4. Compliance Evidence: Provide evidence of compliance with relevant laws, including workplace relations, taxation, and occupational health and safety.

Obligations of Licence Holders:

  • Six-Monthly Reporting: Submit reports every six months on labour hire activities, including accommodation provided to workers and compliance with relevant laws.
  • Compliance: Maintain adherence to all relevant legal obligations.

Penalties for Non-Compliance: Providing labour hire services without a licence or failing to meet licence conditions can lead to significant penalties, including fines and imprisonment.

Key Differences Between Victoria and Queensland

  • Reporting Frequency: Victoria requires annual reporting, while Queensland mandates reporting every six months.
  • Application Specifics: While both states require proof of identity and compliance evidence, the exact documentation and processes may vary.


Compliance with labour hire licensing requirements in Victoria and Queensland is essential for recruitment agencies operating in these regions. Understanding and adhering to the specific regulations, application processes, and ongoing obligations will ensure legal operation and contribute to the integrity of the labour hire industry.

For detailed information and application procedures, visit the official websites: